How Government Debt Is Killing the US Dollar

«The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.” Ernest Hemingway

The United States federal debt has soared to $35.3 trillion. In less than a year, the federal government has increased its debt by $1.9 trillion. This occurred during years of record tax revenues and economic growth.

If the current administration remains in power, the Treasury’s own estimates predict an additional $16 trillion increase in debt by 2034, without accounting for any recession or slowdown in tax receipts. According to the CBO, the Kamala Harris economic plan would add another $1.9 to $2,2 trillion to the national debt.

The Harris campaign has not even bothered to discuss a plan to balance the budget. She just said that “efficiency” and the old fallacy of taxes to the rich would pay for the increase in spending—two things that have proven to do nothing to the ballooning debt and that do not even start to scratch the already unsustainable $2 trillion deficit.

This reckless increase in debt is happening in a growth period. However, if we adjust for government debt accumulation, 2021 to 2024 were the worst years of growth adjusted for debt since the thirties.

In a recent article, Claudia Sahm stated that you should not worry about debt. “Debt is neither inherently good nor bad. As such, the question is not what’s the right level of borrowing, but rather what’s the economic return on the borrowing or the societal goals it advances.” She continues to say that “the government can easily service its debt because of its unlimited taxing authority and ability to issue more U.S. Treasury securities to repay maturing securities” (“The US debt is now $34 trillion. Don’t worry. Seriously”. January16, 2024). Now you must worry. A lot.

Let us start with the benign idea of “economic return on borrowing and societal goals.” The evidence from the United States indicates that the economic return is extremely low. Entitlement spending has not strengthened the economic growth path, and debt continues to rise faster than GDP. It is true that debt is not inherently bad, but unproductive borrowing is. It is a massive transfer of wealth from the productive sector to the bloated bureaucratic state. Furthermore, the societal goals cannot be unlimited. The government must administer and not just add expenditures to previous expenditures, particularly when there is no realistic analysis of the success or failure of government programs. The idea that a particular government program is beneficial is not enough to add it to the budget without reducing other expenses. Not even a benign view of government spending as Sahm’s can justify that every government expenditure item today is essential. Furthermore, we must always understand that governments do not give money for free. They tax the productive sector and borrow, which means printing a currency that is constantly losing purchasing power. Therefore, the government is not advancing societal goals by borrowing without control; it is implementing a profoundly regressive policy that creates a dependent subclass and makes it increasingly difficult for the middle class to thrive.

It is false that the government has “unlimited” taxing authority and the ability to issue more debt, i.e., print money. The government has economic, fiscal, and inflationary limits. Economic because constantly increasing taxation leads to stagnation and more debt; fiscal because expenditures are consolidated and annualized, while tax receipts are cyclical; and inflationary because the constant issuance of new currency, which is what happens when more debt is issued, leads to the loss of confidence in the currency and the erosion of its purchasing power. If what Sahm and Kelton state were true, the euro area and Japan would be examples of high growth and economic strength, but they are examples of stagnation, high debt, and rising social discontent.

The government does not set taxes to fund its incessant spending habits. Taxes should be set according to the economic reality of an economy. The fallacy of taxes to the rich and corporations does not even address the ballooning deficit and erodes economic growth and productive investment.

When someone tells you not to worry about record debt, you should be extremely concerned. When they say that the government has unlimited resources, they mean that you will pay by becoming poorer with more taxes, more inflation, lower growth, or all three at the same time.

When they tell you that $35 trillion of debt is peanuts compared with $142 trillion of American wealth, they are saying that the government will be pleased to absorb the wealth of the economy. You will pay.

When they tell you that tax cuts are the problem, it comes from the perspective that the private sector is an ATM at the disposal of governments. Tax cuts do not reduce revenues, just as tax hikes do not raise them forever. Tax cuts adjust the taxable base to the real economy in order to encourage more investment and growth. Tax cuts are not a loss for the government; they are a win for the economy. It is simply a return of funds to those who have earned them. The idea that funds are better in the hands of the government than in the pockets of those who earned them is confiscatory. It is ludicrous to think that the government knows better than the private sector where and how to spend money. Additionally, it is insane to believe that the government will not squander the funds and bloat the administrative costs. Furthermore, it is foolish to assume that corporations and the affluent will hoard unused funds. There is no such thing as idle money. Capital markets and the private banking sector invest all of their earnings in a productive economy. If Sahm is concerned about economic returns and social advancements, she should advocate for the private sector to retain a larger portion of the earned money, as they will allocate it to the most advantageous investments.

Inflation is a form of default in which the government transfers its imbalances to those who receive their salaries in currency. This is the most regressive form of taxation, primarily affecting the poorest. When governments ignore the real demand for the money they issue, confidence in the currency disappears. Developing countries do not issue debt in foreign currency because they are stupid, but because there is no international demand for their local currency.

Economists like Sahm and Kelton assume that the US dollar will have eternal and unlimited demand, and, as such, the US government can export inflation to the rest of the world through the loss of the purchasing power of the currency it issues. However, global central banks are reducing their holdings of US dollars (US treasuries). International demand is declining, and the limits I mentioned before are already evident.

The US is showing its economic limit, as evidenced by the significant slowdown despite a record deficit and government so-called stimulus. The US is also demonstrating its fiscal limits as the government persists in raising taxes, resulting in significantly lower tax receipts than anticipated and an interest expense bill that has escalated to $3 billion daily. Additionally, a 20% increase in inflation over the previous four years, a 30% increase in the price of basic groceries, and persistent inflation—exemplified by the ongoing decline in the purchasing power of the US dollar—make the inflationary limit clear.

What Harris is doing as vice president and intends to continue doing if she becomes president is to continuously test the patience of the world and national citizens when it comes to accepting a constantly depreciated purchasing power of the currency.

Saying that nothing will happen if debt continues to rise and deficits continue to drive government policy is, literally, like saying that an alcoholic should drink more vodka because cirrhosis has not killed him yet.

The US dollar is the credit of the US economy. If the US government loses its credibility, domestic agents will begin to reduce their use of the US dollar, while international agents will decline the currency due to its constant fiscal excess and its tendency to push the limits of global patience. Thinking that the US dollar will never lose its reserve currency status is simply reckless and ignores history.

Harris is threatening the US dollar, and you should be very concerned when someone says that the government has unlimited taxation and printing resources. It means it has unlimited ways of making you poorer.

About Daniel Lacalle

Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967). PhD Economist and Fund Manager. Author of bestsellers "Life In The Financial Markets" and "The Energy World Is Flat" as well as "Escape From the Central Bank Trap". Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967). PhD Economist and Fund Manager. Frequent collaborator with CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN, Hedgeye, Epoch Times, Mises Institute, BBN Times, Wall Street Journal, El Español, A3 Media and 13TV. Holds the CIIA (Certified International Investment Analyst) and masters in Economic Investigation and IESE.

5 thoughts on “How Government Debt Is Killing the US Dollar

  1. Enjoyed your article (and many others).

    Obviously, I am not supporting any Democraps, but if Trump fails to recognize and properly address the primary factors the Deep State is dependent upon (such as fiat money), any second term will be largely irrelevant. There is a critical need for Trump supporters to call him out when he is wrong – not blindly cheer on everything he says.

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump continues to make defending the U.S. dollar (USD) a central part of his platform as he told a crowd during a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday that if elected in November, he would do everything in his power to keep the USD as the world’s reserve currency. “Many countries are leaving the dollar. They are not going to leave the dollar with me,” he said. “I’ll say, you leave the dollar, you’re not doing business with the United States because we’re going to put a 100% tariff on your goods.” The new warning from Trump follows months of debate between the presidential hopeful and his economic advisers on ways to punish countries who actively look for ways to conduct bilateral trade in currencies other than the USD. Along with tariffs, team Trump has explored export controls and currency manipulation charges, but thus far, the threat of tariffs has been Trump’s go-to way of putting trading partners on notice.

    DAB Comment: Trump and his economic advisors are brain-dead slaves to the corrupt banking system, and they have no business trying to punish sovereign countries that are simply trying to protect themselves from US monetary oppression. The world is leaving the dollar because it is a fraudulent unit and the US is bankrupt. Everyone (including US citizens) should abandon the Dollar. We have robbed the world for 50+ years. We stole the labor and products and resources of other nations and “paid them” with worthless unbacked paper that we printed out of thin air. Further weaponizing the dollar and threatening other countries has driven much of the world away from the US. The 10 BRICS nations and the 59 additional countries who wish to join BRICS comprise most of the world’s population and production and trade. They can get by without the US. But the US will no longer benefit from their trade if we don’t have an honest currency to pay for it. If Trump had half a brain, he would fight for Free Trade and an honest currency for the US – one that would deserve status as a global reserve currency – one that is fully backed by GOLD and cannot be inflated away by corrupt bankers and politicians.

    Another report on Trump’s rally in Mosinee. WI: “Trump told the excited crowd of patriots that with their vote the “lying, cheating, thieving, hoaxing, and plotting” will come to an end for the Democratic party. “They loot the economy. They give trillions and trillions of dollars to their left-wing cronies while you pay the cost of rampant inflation,” Trump said.

    DAB Comment: What is really scary is that Trump does not want the “lying, cheating, thieving, hoaxing, and plotting” to come to an end for the Republican Party. Republicans and Democrats BOTH give away trillions of “dollars” to their cronies, because we have a fraudulent fiat currency that can be created out of thin air at no cost. Inflation from Republicans is just as harmful, immoral, and criminal as inflation from Democrats. This “Shit-Money” is used to rob not just Americans, but the entire world. Trump is a DEBT-JUNKIE who threatens tariffs to keep the world propping up the failing dollar. The US Dollar is GARBAGE, and Trump should be fighting to give the US an HONEST CURRENCY that would protect American citizens and that the world would want to use. Then he would truly be defending Americans by de-funding the Deep State and he would have no need to threaten tariffs. We are running out of time, because the BRICS nations are likely to adopt The Unit at their October meeting; this will offer most of the world a 40% gold-backed global settlement currency as an alternative to the Dying Dollar.

  2. My advice is FIRST to not let (often highly intelligent but morally idiotic = limitless/careless…..) psychopathic murderers (meaning the ‘alien’ mindset of those core disordered without conscience/fear of God) infiltrate government and to idolize them like they did and do Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, the Dulles brothers or Bilderberg Bernhard and the “Nassau” band of robber “barons”.

  3. The government does not have the right to tax or confiscate you or your property. However, the government does have the power to confiscate you, your children, your property, your health and well being and anything else you may ever hope to own. The Constitution was design to chain down the real, raw power of government so that it could not abuse the people. Unfortunately, since women have the right to vote and hold public office in America, the Constitution no longer works.

  4. We can rule out incompetence. It’s all by design.

    ‘There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword, the other is by debt.’ -John Adams, 1826

    ‘If anything happens in politics, you can safely bet that it was planned that way.’ -FDR

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