Watch this conversation where we discuss:
Continue reading Video: Real Conversations with Keith McCullough on US Economy, Europe and Socialism
Watch this conversation where we discuss:
Continue reading Video: Real Conversations with Keith McCullough on US Economy, Europe and Socialism
In this short video we explore the impact of the US tax reform on markets, what is discounted and what is not, as well as the risks coming from rising Chinese bond yields.
Daniel Lacalle is Chief Economist at Tressis SV, has a PhD in Economics and is author of “Escape from the Central Bank Trap”, “Life In The Financial Markets” and “The Energy World Is Flat” (Wiley) Continue reading Market Impact of the US Tax Reform and Rising Chinese Yields
OECD estimates of Real GDP Growth for 2018 have been revised up for Europe (to 2.5%). However, 2019 estimates have been cut to +1.9% growth.
Continue reading Germany and Inflation Expectations. Is European Growth at Risk?
The recovery growth gap compared to other recoveries since 196o has been set at $1.67 trillion. That means the weakest recovery in recent history. The Federal Reserve expects 1.9% growth for 2017 going to 2% in 2018, the weakest relative to potential and previous recoveries. Continue reading Video: The US Tax Reform. Essential to Close the Recovery Gap