All posts by Daniel Lacalle

About Daniel Lacalle

Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967). PhD Economist and Fund Manager. Author of bestsellers "Life In The Financial Markets" and "The Energy World Is Flat" as well as "Escape From the Central Bank Trap". Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967). PhD Economist and Fund Manager. Frequent collaborator with CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN, Hedgeye, Epoch Times, Mises Institute, BBN Times, Wall Street Journal, El Español, A3 Media and 13TV. Holds the CIIA (Certified International Investment Analyst) and masters in Economic Investigation and IESE.

Governments Only Equalize Down

My chat about my book “Freedom or Equality”

It is very important tounderstand the lessons learned from this crisis.

The first one is that we should not give more power to governments that have been completely unable to prevent and manage the pandemic. We need to understand that if we implemented the measures and the policies that the left-wing parties propose, massive government intervention, what we would have in this crisis would not be just a healthcare problen. We would have shortages of supplies, we would have rationing.

This crisis shows that more government is not the solution, but this crisis also shows that the way in which governments have addressed the pandemic proves why it is so dangerous to give them more power: Incompetence, lack of adaptability, constant use of propaganda to try to disguise the facts and even repression when citizens complain.

The idea that shutting down the economy was going to be insignificant and generate no harm could only be something created by a bureaucrat and the idea that the recovery is going to be strong with more government intervention can only come from someone that has never created a job.

Three Risks For European Banks

Three Risks For European Banks

The measures implemented by governments in the Eurozone have one common denominator: A massive increase in debt from governments and the private sector. Loans lead the stimulus packages from Germany to Spain. The objective is to give firms and families some leverage to pass the bad months of the confinement and allow the economy to recover strongly in the third and fourth quarter. This bet on a speedy recovery may put the troubled European banking sector in a difficult situation.

Continue reading Three Risks For European Banks

A Real Recovery Demands a Back-to-Basics Approach

The macro data published in May and June so far shows a lackluster recovery, with significant challenges both in the pace of unemployment reduction and the improvement in consumption and investment.

According to the United Nations, global foreign direct investment is expected to fall 40 percent from pre-COVID levels in 2021, while U.S. and eurozone unemployment figures are likely to remain elevated even in a recovery.

Continue reading A Real Recovery Demands a Back-to-Basics Approach

Spain’s Economic Freedom Improves—But Post-COVID Risks Are Enormous (Heritage Foundation)


Spain’s Economic Freedom Improves—But Post-COVID Risks Are Enormous (Heritage Foundation)

The Spanish economy is under serious threat. The Sánchez Administration is using the excuse of a serious health crisis to enact policies that undermine investor and business security and restrict personal and economic freedom. Such interventionism will trap the economy by increasing fiscal imbalances—Spain’s historical mistake—and put the country on a destructive track that will erode freedom and result in excessive spending, more debt, and rigidity. The long-term social and economic consequences of these mistakes can be enormous. Instead, the government should implement serious measures to enhance economic freedom and allow a strong recovery soon.

Continue reading Spain’s Economic Freedom Improves—But Post-COVID Risks Are Enormous (Heritage Foundation)