All posts by Daniel Lacalle

About Daniel Lacalle

Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967). PhD Economist and Fund Manager. Author of bestsellers "Life In The Financial Markets" and "The Energy World Is Flat" as well as "Escape From the Central Bank Trap". Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967). PhD Economist and Fund Manager. Frequent collaborator with CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN, Hedgeye, Epoch Times, Mises Institute, BBN Times, Wall Street Journal, El Español, A3 Media and 13TV. Holds the CIIA (Certified International Investment Analyst) and masters in Economic Investigation and IESE.

Currency Wars Are Back

The biggest mistake the Biden administration can make is to follow the siren calls of its competing economies to massively devalue the US Dollar, print endlessly and go full-MMT (Modern Monetary Theory), which is not modern nor a theory. Destroying the currency’s purchasing power to finance bloated government spending has been used for centuries with the same final effect: Collapse of the economy.

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Biden Stimulus Plan. Will It Work?

Many financial experts have rushed to make what has been regarded as “Biden trade” calls based on the projections by The Associated PressNBC News and other news outlets of a Joe Biden presidency. The “Biden trade” is a synonym of a recommendation to invest in assets that may benefit from a Democratic presidency judging by the main policies announced throughout the campaign.

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Bitcoin. Central Banks Attack Cryptocurrencies

The main central banks of the world are increasing money supply in an uncontrolled and unjustified way in what is so far the largest transfer of wealth from savers to governments ever. While savers see their deposits disappear with negative real rates and devaluations, while central banks seek at all costs to impoverish their neighbors through devaluations to benefit deficit-ridden states, financial repression continues to generate responses from citizens, who seek to safeguard their savings from the monster confiscator: devaluation and inflation.

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